You are here : Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) » Information Technology (IT) » PEO, PO & PSO
PEO1 | To provide quality computer education to inculcate modern technical skills among the students. |
PEO2 | To cultivate the ability to analyze the demand of software industry for carrying out hands on projects. |
PEO3 | Inculcate direction qualities to work mutually as a team member with effective briefing skills. |
PSO1 | To understand, analyze and develop programs related to system software, web design, DBMS and networking for efficient design of software based applications for real world problems. |
PSO2 | To work professionally in software industries with a broad range of programming language thus creating innovative career paths to sustain passion and zeal for real-world applications. |
PO1 | Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of science, computing, mathematics and fundamentals of engineering appropriate for the solution of engineering problems. |
PO2 | Problem Analysis: Analyze and identify the complex problems to formulate and interpret the solutions through the use of research methodology and technical skills to produce meaningful conclusions and recommendations. |
PO3 | Design/development of solutions: Design, develop and implement system components for real world problems which results to new innovations in information technology and related interdisciplinary areas like social, cultural, healthy and secure environment. |
PO4 | Conduct investigations of complex problems: Make use of research skills and basic principles of engineering and technology for various computing and communication system applications through design of experiments, analysis and implementation of algorithms and unification of information. |
PO5 | Modern tool usage: Learn latest hardware and software tools and engineering methodologies to model the complex engineering activities. |
PO6 | The engineer and society: Show the impact of engineering practices on the society for assessing social, cultural, secure, healthy and legal issues to demonstrate the knowledge and needs for sustainable development. |
PO7 | Environment and sustainability: Create an impact of all the engineering solutions in the context of social and environmental issues. |
PO8 | Ethics: Inculcate ethical and moral values in the context of engineering practices. |
PO9 | Individual and team work: Work excellently as a team member and/or leader in distinct fields of engineering using management and engineering principles. |
PO10 | Communication: Communicate effectively the engineering principles to the society and community through written and oral modes such as report writing, presentations, documentation. |
PO11 | Project management and finance: Project completion and cost estimation through management and engineering tools and techniques. |
PO12 | Life long learning: Understand the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning. |