
Excursion Tour

Department organised an excursion tour to KEMPTY FALLS & MUSSOORIE, UTTRAKHAND on dated 01-03-2025

Excursion Tour

Department organised an excursion tour to Geeta Jayanti, Kurukshetra on dated 07-12-2024

Department organizing activity "Poster Making(On the occassion of Environment Day) by GO GREEN CLUB" on 5/06/2024

Department conducted the guest lecture on the topic, Generative AI on 19.04.2024

Club Activity

Department organizing activity "Eco Rapid Rumble(On the occassion of Earth Day) by GO GREEN CLUB" on 25/04/2024

Excursion Tour

Department organised Excursion tour to Jaipur & Bhangarh Fort 1/03/24 to 3/03/24

Excursion Tour

Department organised excursion tour to Geeta Jyanti Mahotsav on 21-12-2023

Club Activity

Department organizing activity "Impacts of Population Explosion" on 29/09/2023

Club Activity

Department celebrated earth day by organizing activity "Akshay Urja Diwas" under Go Green Club on 21/08/2023

Excursion Tour

Department organised excursion tour to Dehradun on 13 May 2023

Club Activity

Department celebrated earth day by organizing activity "Pragati Se Prakriti Tak" under Go Green Club on 20/04/2023

Guest Lecture

Expert lecture organized by AS & H dept. on the topic " 21st Century Skills- 3C’s & BOSCO approach" for website updation. Expert invited: Mr. Naman Nagpal (Alumni 2021 Batch pass out)

B.Tech Orientation

Department organized Visit to Dharohar & Balaji Temple, Kurukshetra on 30.09.2022 organized under B.Tech Orientation program

Club Activity

Department organized Heritage Club activity on 27/09/2022

Guest Lecture

Personality Development department conducted the guest lecture on the topic, Impactful CV on 30.12.2021

Excursion Tour

First Year students visited KUK on 13/11/2021

Expert Lecture

Personality Development department conducted the guest lecture on the topic, Innovation: A way to progress. The objective is to share insight on how innovation happens in the practical world and how anyone can be an innovator/ creator in various fields.Resource person: Mr. Navneet Kumar, Founder of ImpactfulCV

CLub Activity

"Swaraj Book Club of PD department has organized RAW TALKS 2k21 series from 6th October to 11th October 2021, wherein different renowned speakers were invited from different ages, professions, and experiences to interact with our students. The event was conducted through online mode. The list of speakers was- Mr. Vivek Atray (ex IAS), Major Mohd. Ali Shah (Defence expert), Mr. Rahul Basak (Serial entrepreneur), Mr. Vabhav Jain (Entrepreneur)."

CLub Activity

BIRD FEEDER ACTIVITY on 30 September 2021

School Visit Session

Session on Exploring Chemistry Lab on 11 September 2021

Club Activity

An activity of Seed Ball preparation organized by Red Cross Society on 7-9 July 2021

Guest lecture

An expert session was organized by the PD department on the topic "What makes a good leader" for the students of BBA/BCA/ MBA/ B.Tech on 5th June 2021. The resource person was Mr. Pawan Kashyap, Head HR, Polyplastics Industries India Private Limited.

First Aid Training

First Aid training of non-teaching staff organized on 27th May, 2021 by Youth Red Cross Society, JMIT.

Guest Lecture

PD department organized a guest lecture on 24th April 2021 on the topic "Prerequisites to get into your dream job". Ms. Swati Singla, Software Engineer at Google was the resource person.

Guest Lecture

PD department organized an Expert Session on 9th April 2021 on the topic "Grooming for a professional career". Dr. L.N. Mittal (Formerly Professor Emeritus Lingaya’s University, Faridabad & Professor and Head - NITTTR, Chandigarh) was the resource person.

Guest Lecture

PD department has organized an expert session on 3rd April 2021 on the topic "The Visionary You". Mr. Arun Singh (Head HR- MAN Energy Solutions India)- Motivational author, coach & speaker was the resource person