PEO1 To provide quality computer education to inculcate modern technical skills among the students.
PEO2 To cultivate the ability to analyze the demand of software industry for carrying out hands on projects.
PEO3 Inculcate direction qualities to work mutually as a team member with effective briefing skills.


PSO1 To understand, analyze and develop programs related to system software, web design, DBMS and networking for efficient design of software based applications for real world problems.
PSO2 To work professionally in software industries with a broad range of programming language thus creating innovative career paths to sustain passion and zeal for real-world applications.


PO1 To solve complex engineering problems by applying the knowledge of mathematics, algorithms,computing principles.
PO2 Identify and analyze complex engineering problems and define requirements appropriate for it.
PO3 To design and impement computer based systems and programs to meet desired needs.
PO4 To provide valid conclusions by using research based knowledge and research methods.
PO5 To use modern tools necessary for computing practice.
PO6 To understand the issues related to society by using reasoning.
PO7 To understand the issues realted to enviornmetal context for strentheing of engineering solutions.
PO8 An understanding of ethical responsibility.
PO9 To work effectively as team member for the accomplishment of goals.
PO10 To communicate effectively with community and society.
PO11 To design and develop various project economically with planning.
PO12 To engage in life-long learning.